Meet the Team

Is Cinematic Doctrine a Christian Movie Podcast?

Melvin Benson

Founder, Editor-In-Chief, and Lead Host

Melvin loves a good story. Whether it’s a movie, show, game, comic, or novel, it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s rich, he’s ready and willing to give it a try! When he’s not knee-deep in someone else’s story, he’s writing his own.

Married to his wife Kathryn, the two attend Risen Christ Fellowship, have a tabby-cat named Milo, and stay up way too late playing Video Games.

Favorite Movies

They Look Like People
The Blackcoat’s
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Daniel Braindead

Producer, Content Editor, and Co-Host

As a child, Dan’s pastor father and Conservative Japanese mother wouldn’t let him watch secular TV or movies. His grandparents, however, would babysit him by sticking him in front of a TV showing him movies like Predator and Rambo: First Blood Part II on repeat. This super normal and very healthy upbringing made him the man he is today.

Dan is married to a very understanding woman and attends First Congregational Church. He has a bachelor’s degree in Biblical studies and has experience as a youth pastor and mental health counselor.

Favorite Movies

Pulp Fiction
Arsenic and Old Lace
The Room
Dead Alive

Cinematic Doctrine is available on iTunesSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, and other major podcast apps.