
We felt it prudent to share some of the resources we’ve come to lean on both in our walks with God and our pursuits in understanding film as a medium for discerning and interpreting culture. Hopefully, these resources will help in the refinement of a Biblical filter in how we not only consume film, but also in how we spend our time each passing day.

Desiring God by John Piper endorsed by the Cinematic Doctrine Christian Movie Podcast

Desiring God

Desiring God, founded by John Piper, boasts a whopping 12,000+ free resources in the hope of reaching and teaching others the true joy of Christ Jesus around the world. They provide articles, videos, books, and podcasts discussing topics ranging from the Sovereignty of God to What our Entertainment Habits Reveal About Ourselves.

Ligonier Ministries by R.C. Sproul endorsed by the Cinematic Doctrine Christian Movie Podcast

Ligonier Ministries

Succeeded by the late Dr. R.C. Sproul, Ligonier Ministries, continues to prosper by the glory of God in their pursuit of providing healthy, comprehensive resources for the growing Christian. With over 40 years of articles, devotionals, sermons, and podcasts, Ligonier Ministries borders on an endless supply of helpful study for anyone interested in pursuing a relationship with God the Father.

The Bible Project by Tim Mackie and Jonathan Collins endorsed by Cinematic Doctrine Podcast

The Bible Project

Providing fully animated videos across a myriad of Biblical topics, The Bible Project seeks to make Scripture accessible to everyone using easy to understand visuals and engaging media. For those interested in a deeper context, Timothy Mackie and Jonathan Collins, creators of The Bible Project, host a podcast in which they delve further into the Biblical Theology behind each video.

Popcorn Theology, a Christian Movie Podcast, endorsed by Cinematic Doctrine Podcast

Popcorn Theology

Sharing a similar mission, Popcorn Theology, another Christian movie podcast, seeks to engage deeply with film in the pursuit of combating idle consumption and reorienting its listeners to Scripture. Hosted by Richard Foltz, David Lee, and James Harleman, expect weekly, hour long episodes discussing not only your favorite movies, but shows too!

Christian Video Game Podcast The Reformed Gamers endorsed by Movie Cinematic Doctrine CINDOC

The Reformed Gamers

Yes, pastors play video games, too! Adam and Logan love the Lord and love approaching video games with a strong, biblical attitude. With their podcast, hear how a game like God of War, the 2018 hack-and-slash, espouses a beautiful image of masculinity similar to the Bible’s prescription for men, as well as interviews with gaming figure-heads such as the popular Twitch streamer PastorDoostyn!

Plugged In by Daniel Strange endorsed by the Cinematic Doctrine Christian Movie Podcast

Plugged In

Written by Daniel Strange, Plugged In: Connecting your faith with what you watch, read, and play is a delightful and introspective book approaching the often difficult yet necessary questions regarding our engagement with entertainment. From Instagram stories, television programs, or movies, Strange dares to discuss the importance of the Christians involvement in everyday leisure.

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